The High School Art program’s Sculpture class has been working diligently on a polyhedral cardboard sculpture project.
With a special focus on the use of sheet materials, geometry and 3D modeling software, students were prompted to design a polyhedric (many-faced) sculpture using SketchUp using a minimum of 20 faces and roughly the height of a person.
Once their 3D models were complete, students used SketchUp to call out measurements and angles from their to-scale drawings. Then they used straight edges and protractors to layout their polygons on cardboard. To help achieve accurate angles, a custom large-scale protractor was designed and executed on our Epilogue Laser Cutter.
To crown it all, utility blades and Ram Board seam tape were used to cut out and assemble the sculptures to their present state. The students plan to paint and then install their completed sculptures on our campus in the coming weeks. These visually compelling projects must be viewed in person to fully appreciate them; stop by the high school art studio and take a look!