Classes are offered based on students’ needs, interests and staff availability. Contact the Dean of High School with questions about current class offerings. To access full course list, please visit the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) website.
Students study the major turning points that shaped the modern world, from 4000 BC through the present. Students develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographical, political, economic, and cultural contexts. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives.
U.S. HISTORY (UC Approved – A)
In order to more fully understand America’s changing identity in the world, students become familiar with a variety of systems of government, and specifically with the tenets and structures of our democratic system.
Students obtain a deep understanding of the American system of government, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches, and the system of checks and balances. Students compare the American system of government with other systems of government in the world today.
ECONOMICS (UC Approved – G)
Students master fundamental economic concepts, applying the tools (graphs, statistics, equations) from other subject areas to the understanding of operations and institutions of economic systems. Units of study cover the fundamentals of economics, how markets work, institutions and organizations, the public sector, and the global economy.
PSYCHOLOGY (UC Approved – G)
This course introduces the field of psychology and its basic concepts, theories, research methods, and contributions to the understanding of human behavior. Topics include the nervous system, perception, motivation, learning and memory, social behavior, personality, developmental, abnormal, and clinical psychology.
ENGLISH 9 (UC Approved – B)
Students learn to be critical thinkers through examination of a variety of texts and writing processes. Through close reading and literary analysis of short stories, plays, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, students develop their abilities to perceive and discuss themes across genres and eras, and discover the presence and function of literary devices such as metaphor, simile, allegory and personification.
ENGLISH 10 (UC Approved – B)
Students examine the major themes of chosen texts in English literature and develop insight into the historical and cultural contexts of various literary periods. Emphasis for projects is on formulating coherent, compelling ideas about a text and communicating them in writing.
Students analyze various significant works of American literature, looking at a variety of readings, discovering the author, and reading critical texts about the books. The works of literature in this course progress chronologically through American history, culminating in a study of various contemporary works of fiction.
This is a comprehensive reading and writing course, focusing on literature from around the world; Russia, Japan, South America, Italy, Mexico, Canada, and Africa. Students examine similarities and differences in theme, tone, and style, furthering their close reading and analytical skills. As part of this process, students hone their writing skills, incorporating expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative writing skills to produce coherent and compelling pieces of writing.
This course is designed to give students exposure to and experience in reading, writing, and interpreting contemporary short stories. Students read critically to understand theme, symbolism, character development, as well as overall structure and content. They analyze stories both as parts of larger collections, and as independent pieces, focusing on craft and essential elements including character, plot, setting, chronology, dialogue, and description. Through multiple, revised drafts of stories, students incorporate these elements into their own writing.
This course gives students an opportunity to read a variety of literary works written by women around the world, from ancient Japan to contemporary America. Students produce well-crafted papers discussing the various elements of women in fiction, including theme, symbolism, and cultural context. Students examine assumptions and attitudes that are embedded in the literature and contrast them with other authors and literary genres.
This course will prepare students for college level reading, research and paper writing. Students will read a wide selection of essays from multiple genres and learn how to write various styles of papers, i.e. response, argumentative, research. They will learn both online and traditional library research skills, including the evaluation and proper citation of sources. The course will also provide a thorough review of principles of grammar and punctuation, strategies of effective writing, and the use of MLA format.
MATH 1 (UC Approved – C)
Integrated Math 1 is a rigorous, college-preparation mathematics course, intertwining many different math subjects that students can build on in subsequent Integrated Math classes. Students focus on solving complex, multi-faceted problems that allow them to develop conjectures and approaches that lead to a greater understanding and awareness of the subject and its applications. Students work individually and in groups, with an emphasis on discussion of strategies and reflection about what they learned from the process. Students solidify these experiences through the collection of skills into a toolkit that they can call upon in the future when solving similar but also unrelated problems. Problems in Integrated Math 1 provide examples of math applied in a real-world context, including projects where students collect and analyze their own data, create a model based on the data and use the model to predict future outcomes. The goals of Integrated Math 1 include having students discover the underlying structure of mathematics and for students to become flexible and creative problem-solvers.
MATH 2 (UC Approved – C)
In Integrated Math 2, students continue to build on the knowledge and skills they obtained in Integrated Math 1 in order to solve authentic and integrated problems. They begin the course by focusing on general problem solving skills and the investigative process, and transition into using these skills to solve algebra and geometry problems. Students discover the properties of angles and polygons, use right-angle trigonometry in real-world contexts, and begin their study of quadratics. They use their knowledge of polygons to investigate circles, solve probability problems and determine the area and volume of three-dimensional solids. Students solve authentic application problems in every unit with the aim of preparing for more complex problems in the subsequent course: Integrated Math 3.
MATH 3 (UC Approved – C)
This course builds in the previous two integrated mathematics classes. Students will continue to build their knowledge of functions, polynomials, trigonometric functions, and variability. They will also continue to collaborate in groups to solve problems.
GEOMETRY (UC Approved – C)
Students focus on six critical areas: (1) establish criteria for congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; (2) establish criteria for similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; (3) informally develop explanations of circumference, area, and volume formulas; (4) apply the Pythagorean Theorem to the coordinate plan; (5) prove basic geometric theorems; and (6) extend work with probability.
PRE-CALCULUS (UC Approved – C)
This is a preparatory course for a college level calculus course and covers a range of mathematical topics including functions and graphs, trigonometry, analytical geometry, and basic calculus. Students will engage in mathematical analysis with the aim of full graphical, numerical, and algebraic understanding of a problem.
CALCULUS (UC Approved – C)
In this college-level course students demonstrate knowledge of both the formal definition and the graphical interpretation of limit of values of functions. The following topics are included in this course: functions, limits, derivatives and tangent lines, applications of derivatives, antiderivatives, integrals and the area problem, applications of integrals, exponential functions, elementary differential equations.
This course covers the basic principles of descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, design of experiments, sampling distributions and estimation, and fitting models to data. Statistical concepts are studied in order to understand related methods and their applications. Other topics include probability distributions, sampling techniques, binomial distributions, and experimental design. The course also looks extensively at the principles of hypothesis testing and statistical inference.
This course offers an introduction to concepts used in modern engineering projects while reinforcing and introducing the mathematical content key to these projects. Engineering and design examples are drawn from wireless and telecommunications, the Internet, electronic music, and digital imagery. Students completing the course will master relevant applications of mathematics, while gaining an understanding of the field of engineering.
BIOLOGY (UC Approved – D)
This course centers on the study of living things. Students will focus on life from a range of perspectives, including microscopic life to the interdependence between organisms. Students will have a lab component in this class, in which activities will promote technical lab competence, utilize the scientific process of research and reporting, as well as teach and reinforce scientific concepts.
This course explores chemistry as it relates to real-life situations and to our interaction with the environment. The emphasis is on chemistry as a study of change. The instruction has a focus on problem-solving abilities, in addition to learning basic chemistry concepts. The laboratory work develops students’ reasoning power, the ability to apply chemical principles, as well as acquainting students with chemical laboratory techniques.
PHYSICS (UC Approved – D)
This is an introductory conceptual and applied course in physics based upon the scientific hierarchy of teaching physics. It will emphasize the development of an intuitive understanding of physics principles, as well as problem-solving with the use of mathematics, and laboratory work.
Anatomy and Physiology is a second year biology course for students interested in biology, medicine, health, and its related professions. Students will learn about the human body systems in great detail and develop their understanding of biological concepts previously learned during first-year biology. Students will be introduced to many lab exercises that will help them to understand both the human body and the importance of correct laboratory procedures.
BOTANY (UC Approved – D)
This is an introductory conceptual and applied course in botany and will emphasize the relationship between plants, society, and the rest of our environment. Students will gain an understanding of concepts related to botany through readings, lecture, discussion seminars, and laboratory work, and the course will provide a strong fundamental understanding of the life sciences.
This rigorous college prep lab course allows students to use scientific concepts and tools to investigate natural processes and make informed decisions about our scarce natural resources. The course integrates the CTE pathway standards for Environmental Resources within Energy, Environment and Utilities. Topics include Earth systems science, ecology, population biology (including wild species and human population dynamics), management of water, land, marine, and energy resources, and global change, including biodiversity loss and climate change. The course evaluates natural processes and the human impacts on those processes. Students distinguish between inexhaustible, renewable, and non-renewable resources and make judgments about the sustainable management of these resources. The laboratory component of the course includes field trips as well as in-lab investigations.
SPANISH 1 & 2 (UC Approved – E)
FRENCH 1 & 2 (UC Approved – E)
The first two years allow the learner to develop a strong introductory basis for further language study. Both year-long courses use a communicative-situational approach that enables students to communicate in the target language for a variety of purposes. Emphasis is placed equally on the skills of comprehension (listening and reading) and production (speaking and writing). Students are encouraged to develop language acquisition strategies and use traditional text and electronic resources to enhance their understanding of the mechanics and context of language. Assessment tests are used to help provide a framework for learning and gauge the students’ understanding and production of the language against the stated course objectives.
SPANISH 3 (UC Approved – E)
FRENCH 3 (UC Approved – E)
This is a third-year language course that follows and builds on years 1 and 2. The course uses a communicative-situational approach that enables students to communicate in the target language for a variety of purposes. This class is designed to be highly interactive in its format, and to promote students’ learning from one another as well as from teachers and texts. Emphasis is on the development of the ability to speak fluently and on learning about cultures where the language is spoken.
SPANISH 4 (UC Approved – E)
FRENCH 4 (UC Approved – E)
This is a fourth-year language course that follows and builds on year 3. The course uses a variety of authentic literary sources as well as a communicative approach that enables students to communicate in the target language for a variety of purposes. The course includes study of longer literary passages and more sophisticated language usage, including the subjunctive mood. Students are encouraged to develop language acquisition strategies and use traditional text and electronic resources to enhance their understanding of the mechanics and context of language.
In this course students study visual perception and image making across visual art disciplines. They plan and create original works of art using research, analysis, and critique. This first year course is an introduction to art theory and application in the areas of drawing, conceptual design, and painting.
This second year art course focuses on how art history has influenced art production over the ages. It is a continuation of art theory and application in the areas of drawing, conceptual design, photography and painting.
This course is designed as a deeper investigation into painting and its historical context in Art History. Students investigate the transformation of painting through six specific art movements, while creating works of art that are inspired by each movement. Research, presentation and writing about art history are an integral part of the course of study. Through the investigation of different techniques and themes, students develop their own style of painting. The culmination of this year-long investigation will be a series of independently inspired works of art by each student.
SCULPTURE (UC Approved – F)
This course is an investigation into Sculpture and its historical and cultural context. Students will create a portfolio of work, maintain a sketchbook, and pursue research questions related to sculpture and three-dimensional art.
The course provides a meaningful experience and breadth of knowledge of musicianship. Students will demonstrate the ability to identify the elements of music, appreciate a diversity of musical styles and cultures, and show an ability and a desire to integrate musical understanding into other academic disciplines. In addition to investigating historical and cultural perspectives, students will create original music, maintain a journal, and pursue research questions related to diverse musical genres.
MUSIC THEORY (UC Approved – F)
This course encompasses basic music terminology and notation, allowing students to read, notate, listen to, analyze, and describe music and other aural information using the terminology of music. Students learn and appreciate all of the elements of music; melodic and harmonic ear-training and dictation; four-part chorale analysis and writing; rhythmic dictation; sight-singing and sight-reading of rhythms. Students identify various aspects of music, such as dynamics, articulations, certain compositional devices such as cadences and sequences.
This rigorous college preparatory course is intended to provide a meaningful learning experience in advanced music studies integrating entrepreneurship. Students will develop knowledge and skills common to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, including the human characteristics vital for entrepreneurial thinking in a twenty-first century global world.
This is a rigorous music course that prepares students for the college level. Concentrating on the period from the late 1940s to the present day, the course incorporates the CTE Performing Arts pathway that focuses on the direct creation of art and entertainment by the individual artist. Popular music is studied not only as a succession of related musical styles, but as a social movement reflecting the changing American political and social climate. Students learn the concepts and vocabulary of music, becoming active, critical listeners. They appreciate music as both an expression of a culture and as an exchange of ideas across cultures. Students develop their knowledge of musical composition and create and perform music on a regular basis in class and in school performance showcases. They record music in a studio from the perspective of the songwriter/artist and the engineer/producer. The course incorporates the CA content standards for visual and performing arts.
THEATER ARTS (UC Approved – F)
In this course students study how the art of performance has been used to educate, inform, influence and entertain audiences throughout history. They employ the terminology and art of performance in order to understand and appreciate theatrical expression and use this knowledge to create, develop and perform drama productions. Students demonstrate the ability to identify the elements of the theater arts, appreciate a diversity of theatrical styles and cultures, and integrate their knowledge into other academic disciplines. Students follow the evolution of performance from rituals and storytelling in ancient societies to the beginnings and changes of modern theater. Students use their knowledge and understanding of current performance to make connections to traditional and historical performance.
Within a context of studio production, students study the sensory, formal, expressive, and aesthetic properties of photographic art and examine closely the history and development of photography including its relationship to the scientific/technological and European cultural views of the 19th and 20th centuries. Students link photography to other art forms and disciplines and understand its applications to careers within contemporary society. In the second semester students will use advanced studio techniques to concentrate on the development of a distinctive personal style. Digital photography techniques are also introduced, and students examine the difference and similarities to the traditional photography. Students learn the skills of digital manipulation and use these techniques to express their concepts. They continue to evaluate their work critically and engage in ongoing study of the history of photography.
This is a rigorous college prep VPA course that investigates universal concepts in art from a commercial arts perspective, integrating CTE content from Marketing, Sales and Services. Students engage in the process of developing visual identities and branded products within a business and marketing framework. Units of study include the role and development of graphic arts, the foundations of art and design, development of identity guidelines, meaningful use of typography, color spaces and profiles (CMYK, RGB), digital and traditional offset printing processes, web design, motion graphics, and business and career orientation. Students demonstrate critical thinking, problem solving, perceptual skills, and visual literacy via the art studio and in using Adobe Creative suite.