The Garden Street Academy community is proud to report that its very own Max Sweeney (11th Grade) has been elected as SoCal Junior States of America’s Lieutenant Governor (or LTG) for the 2017-2018 school year. The JSA is an organization whose goals are “an exchange of ideas through stimulating student debates, thought talks, problem solving and a variety of simulations.” The organization is completely student-run at both the national, state, and school level. As the LTG, Max will act as second in command of the Southern California State, this entails appointing and leading the SoCal cabinet, executing state fundraising and activism initiatives, and moderating the student senate, which creates the bylaws of the organization. This is the second highest executive position for the organization in Southern California.
At the Spring State event on April 23rd, Max won the majority vote for the position before an assembly of roughly 1,000 students. His platform focused on increasing the transparency of the student senate and creating reforms for fairer elections. “As LTG I will embrace the forgotten opportunities that the JSA constitution gives the LTG – opportunities to be more responsible than just ‘presiding over the Senate.’ I will work with the next Governor to be a second champion on the causes that define our JSA experience like expansion, conventions, debates, and fundraising.”
Max’s campaign promise, which incorporated the JSA motto “Be the People,” struck the hearts of the JSA voters, who voted for him in a landslide victory. “I will never quit. I will never stop working and fighting to make this organization a more welcoming, fun, and enlightening experience for every JSA member, no matter who they are, what connections they may have, or who they supported in this campaign. I’ve driven thousands of miles from Santa Barbara to dozens of events like this because JSA is my passion, and you are my dedication. I know that together we can Be The People.”
Max’s speech announcing his candidacy can be viewed on YouTube. His campaign website is also still up for public viewing.